المملكة المتحدة للخدمات القانونية للترجمة المحدودة
المملكة المتحدة للخدمات القانونية للترجمة المحدودة
All our translators and interpreters sign up to a code of practice and a code of ethics to adhere to the following principles.
Interpreters must explain these principles to the client at each assignment.

Nothing which is said in the room will be repeated by the interpreter outside of the room.
Translators and Interpreters will adhere to data protection regulations to store notes safely on computer or paper to ensure confidentiality. All private information and notes are deleted after receiving payment and satisfaction from service provider and client.
Translators and Interpreters are allowed to disclose information to the UKLST manager only, where they fear the safety of an individual could be seriously threatened e.g. child protection, mental health, adult abuse. This will then be raised with the service provider if needed.
Word-for-word accuracy
The dialogue or text will be interpreted or translated word for word. Nothing will be added and nothing will be taken away. Everything that is spoken will be interpreted including conversations between service providers and conversations between service users.
The Interpreter will give equal attention to the service user and service provider. The Interpreter shall be impartial and unbiased. The interpreter is a neutral third party language conduit and has no role in the decisions taken by the service provider or client.
The interpreters and translators will not intervene in the interview unless clarifying any issue or misunderstanding. The interpreter will not offer advice. At times a client may need bi-lingual advocacy but this service is not provided by us. We can advise on other providers if needed.
Interpreters should arrive 10 minutes early to every assignment and in exceptional circumstances will telephone the service provider if any lateness is anticipated.
Interruption only for clarification
Interpreters are obliged to seek clarification on words or phrases they do not understand. The interpreter may interrupt the interview if they feel the client does not understand concepts being explained. This may be due to lack of knowledge of British customs and practice rather than a language issue.
قواعد الممارسة للمترجمين الفوريين
قواعد الممارسة للمترجمين الفوريين
UKLST - UK Legal Services Translation Ltd is committed to providing a professional translation and interpreting service. As a freelance employee, you are expected to abide by its Code of Practice and Code of Ethics, together known as the CODE OF CONDUCT.
The purpose and objective of the Code of Practice is to ensure that there is consistency, competence and impartiality across language and culture, and to ensure that all those who are involved in the process are clear about what may be expected from it.
1.1 When accepting work the interpreter must ensure that s/he is satisfied that s/he will be available on the specified date and time at the required location, and that they have made appropriate travel arrangements.
1.2 The interpreter needs to be competent in the language/dialect of the service user. In exceptional circumstances, when there is any doubt about which minority language/dialect is used, the interpreter must telephone the service provider to ensure full competence in the required language/dialect.
1.3 Interpreters need to maintain a professional standard. When more than three people will be present in the assignment, the interpreter must contact the service provider to ensure any issues are talked through prior to the meeting.
1.4 The service provider requesting the services of an interpreter will be asked to supply any relevant information. UKLST will forward this to the interpreter.
1.5 The interpreter has to be neutral. Therefore, interpreters must not accept assignments involving relatives or people with whom they are closely involved at work or at home.
1.6 Arriving at the appointments on time is essential. Interpreters need to anticipate any problem that may delay their arrival. It is the interpreter’s responsibility to anticipate traffic problems or rush hours, and to make sure their vehicle is in working order.
1.7 Interpreters should arrive at the assignment 10 minutes early. If, in exceptional circumstances the interpreter is delayed, the interpreter must phone UKLST at least 15 minutes before the assignment is due to begin and give an estimated time of arrival. Interpreters should ensure that they use the cheapest mode of transport to attend assignments. The use of taxis is not permitted for interpreting assignments. This is a costly means of business travel which customers are unwilling to fund. The use of taxis must first be approved by one of the UKLST Coordinators or the UKLST Manager.
1.8 Sanctions will be taken against interpreters who arrive late.
1.9 If interpreters are more than 10 minutes late, we will deduct an hours pay from interpreters.
1.10 If an interpreter is late more than 3 times in a six month period, s/he will be called in to meet the UKLST Manager and may face a forfeit.
1.11 If interpreters are late more than six times their name will be removed from the register.
2.1 Appropriate seating shall be discussed and advice taken from the interpreter before the assignment commences. Everyone needs to check they can hear well and that there is not undue noise from outside the meeting place.
2.2 The interpreter shall explain to both the service provider and the service user that:
2.3 The interpreters will communicate all that is spoken and all that is said. Whatever is not to be interpreted must not be said.
2.4 Everyone needs to speak for a short time allowing for regular interpreting.
2.5 The service provider is responsible for making sure that only one person speaks at a time.
2.6 An interpreted interview takes twice as long as one in the same language.
2.7 The service provider is responsible for making sure the work gets done in the arranged meeting time or arranging extended meeting time or arranging to meet again.
2.8 The interpreter may intervene/interrupt only in the following situations:
2.8.1 To ask for clarification if s/he does not fully understand the concept s/he is being asked to interpret.
2.8.2 To point out if a service user has not fully understood the concept although the interpretation was correct.
2.8.3 To alert the parties to a possible missed cultural inference, i.e. information, which has not been, stated but knowledge of which might have been assumed.
2.8.4 To ask a service provider to modify his/her delivery to accommodate the interpreting process, e.g. if the client is speaking too quickly or for too long.
2.9 The interpreter shall inform both clients of the reason for interruption and interpret the explanation.
2.10 The interpreter shall only be the medium through which the dialogue takes place. Both the service providers and service users should address each other directly.
2.11 The interpreter should not be alone with the client.
2.12 The interpreter must abide by the Code of Ethics or be liable to disciplinary procedures.
2.13 The interpreter shall not give out his/her personal details.
2.14 If for any reason the interpreter’s impartiality is being jeopardized, s/he should withdraw.
3.1 At the end of the assignment, the interpreters should stay with the service provider to discuss the quality of the interpreting assignment and to review the management of the meeting.
3.2 The interpreter must ensure that the Officer concerned with the meeting has to confirm that the interpreting has been done, and that the Officer is satisfied.
مدونة أخلاقيات المترجمين التحريريين والفوريين
مدونة أخلاقيات المترجمين التحريريين والفوريين
UKLST - UK Legal Services Translation Ltd is committed to providing a professional translation and interpreting service. As an employee, you are expected to abide by its Code of Practice and Code of Ethics, together known as the CODE OF CONDUCT.
1. Interpreters and translators shall treat any information that may come to them in the course of their work as confidential. Exceptionally, an interpreter may be required by law to divulge information held. S/he should seek advice beforehand from the line management, to whom they are accountable, and legal advice should be obtained before responding.
2. Interpreters shall interpret truly and faithfully to the best of their ability between the parties without anything being added or omitted.
3. Interpreters and translators shall only undertake an assignment that they are competent to accomplish in a satisfactory way in their approved language(s). In rare cases and emergencies, they may accept an assignment in their second best language, with the consent of both parties, only if no other interpreter/translator approved in the required language is available.
4. Interpreters shall observe impartiality while interpreting.
5. Interpreters and translators shall not take personal advantage of any information obtained in the course of their work.
6. Interpreters and translators shall not accept any form of reward for interpreting work other than payment from UKLST.
7. Interpreters and translators shall not delegate work to another interpreter/translator, nor may they accept delegated work without the consent of both the client and the Translation and Interpreting officer.
8. Interpreters and translators shall take every reasonable opportunity of training to sustain and improve their knowledge and competence as it relates to the fulfilment of their work.
9. Interpreters and translators shall promote and safeguard the well-being of service users and ensure that by no action or omission on their part is the safety of the service user put at risk.
10. Interpreters and translators shall have due regard to the customs, values and spiritual beliefs of the clients, as well as complying with the laws of the country and having due regard for the customs, practice and policies of UKLST.
11. They shall be responsible to the UKLST officer(s) for their work and refer to them any difficulties that may arise.
12. The members of UKLST register of translators and interpreters shall always safeguard the professional standards of the UKLT in every practical way, and shall offer each other any reasonable assistance.
13. Any member of the register who brings the UKLST into disrepute shall be subject to disciplinary measures, following a full investigation of any complaints and/or practices that may not be in accordance with published Codes of Good Practice.
بيان المهمة
بيان المهمة
"مواجهة الحواجز اللغوية بالاحترافية والخبرة"
ونحن نعتقد أن التواصل الفعال أمر حيوي كجزء من أي حوار بين طرفين آخرين. عندما يتعلق الأمر بفهم اللغات، فإن UKLST في طليعة توفير المترجمين الفوريين والمترجمين التحريريين.لضمان خدمات احترافية ومصممة خصيصًا للشركات عالية الجودة في جميع الأوقات.