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سلسلة مستمرة من الإدخالات بالمعلومات

اللغة الكردية ولهجاتها  


Starting from the moment when a child is born, at that time he doesn’t even know what to speak and how to speak, he just knows how to cry and that is speaking too, just in a childish way. Then afterward, he starts to listen to mom, dad, and others in the house and the words take place in his mind slowly and then a time comes when he starts speaking.


The art of speaking is such a blessing and a gift that we cannot thank Allah enough. He is the One who made us capable of listening, learning, and speaking. The amazing phenomenon is that speaking depends on listening, by listening you can speak whatever you hear. In mathematics language, speaking is directly proportional to listening or hearing. A good example is that if a child is born if you put that child in a home, he/she will learn the language that is spoken in the house, whatever the language is. 


It proves that the mind learns by listening and then eventually speaks, this art of speaking starts from the childhood phase. Then when you grow up, you are taught speaking skills through class presentations, preparations for interviews, etc. All these practices are done to teach the art of speaking, and what I mean by all this is ‘What and how to speak’, how to convey your message effectively whether it is a crowd in front of you or if you are on a video conference, whatever the environment is, the purpose is how to speak to make your message more powerful and effective.


 If we look around the world, we look at different motivational speakers who speak on different motivational and important topics in front of crowds, the question is why are they called and what is the reason they are chosen to speak on different topics? The answer is ‘The art of speaking’. They have this skill to convey the message in a way that people like and prefer. Sometimes you may see a person will be saying something, although the message won’t be a relevant one to discuss they will do it in a way that people will listen with deep attention.

 This all is due to the skill which is the usage of a language in a manner or a way that attracts the audience. You will notice that a shopkeeper or a seller also sometimes talks in a way that makes us feel that the product is genuine and we should take it, that’s because, in business, this skill is very crucial. It doesn’t mean that you have to lie but instead talks so well and effectively that the customer or anyone feels good talking to you.


So the moral of this short chapter of mine is to be the best of yourself in speaking and not just speak, be a good listener too, because remember always, you also learned to speak by listening to someone first.


By Muhammad Zuhair Zaki 

Booking Executive - UKLST


فن التحدث.

06 يوليو 2022

History told us the Kurdish language belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family, and the development of these languages was between 4,000 to 2,000 years ago.

There are three main Kurdish groups:

 Northern Kurdish

 Central Kurdish 

 Southern Kurdish.

The history of Kurdish, among modern Iranian languages and dialects is not easy to define. There are so many Kurdish dialects that are still imperfectly known, as also many other modern Iranian dialects to this day. So considering the Kurdish language, and Iranian Dialects, in general, have been extended since 1961.

“Kurdish language” “Kurdish” is not an official or state language. On the contrary, there are some dialects that are spoken in a large geographic area like (Kurmanji in turkey, and Sorani in northern Iraq).

There is always a debate, what is the Kurdish language? Which parts it is composed of, and whether there is only one Kurdish language, or maybe more than one. 

Northern Kurdish

Kurmanji is the most common northern Kurdish dialect which is spoken all over Kurdistan of Turkey, Syria, and also in the Soviet Union, only 65% of Kurds speak Kurmanji. Kurdish Kurmanji was banned in Turkey from the 1920s until 1991. That’s the reason why Kurdish Kurmanji was not spoken by many people.  

Central Kurdish Language

Sorani is spoken by Kurds in Iraq and Iran, also called the central Kurdish dialect. The pronunciation is different from the spelling, and writing expressions are in the Arabic script.

Only the ¼ Kurds spoke Sorani. Sorani is a well-developed dialect in modern times. For an education system in Sorani, Kurdish was allowed to develop in Iraq.

Southern Kurdish

This dialect is primarily spoken in Iran and Iraq. The Southern Kurdish dialect group encompasses over nine sub-dialects. 


The Kurdish language is an Indo-European language and Indo-Iranian. It has different dialects; Northern Kurdish “Kurmanji”, Central Kurdish “Sorani”, Southern Kurdish, and Zazaki-Gorani. 

By Shamim Javed 

Marketing Executive - UKLST

16 مايو 2022

لغة القراصنة وحياتهم  &نبسب;

10 مايو 2022



Many of you already know about Pirate, a robber’s who travel by water targeting ships for stealing cargo and other valuable goods like (Gold, Silver, and Jewels) being shipped by merchants and also attacking coastal areas and towns. You might be wrong to think all the pirates are evil, daring, and swashbuckling but actually, most of them were ordinary people who had been forced to turn into criminals and do wrong things.


Many pirates abducted children and men for their crew and slavery from places they attacked or lands conquered.


Golden Age of Piracy

“Golden Age of Piracy” lasted roughly from “the 1650s to 1730s”. At that time everyone wanted to grow their borders and conquest new lands, Countries started expanding their colonization and started migrating from multiple nations. At that time piracy started spreading fast crimes on the seas increased, all the pirates started invading each other’s and many families lost their family members.


At that time World was originally divided between Spain and Portugal. In fact, from the coast of South America, across the Caribbean Sea, and all the way to northern Florida was known as the Spanish man. The other countries started getting jealous and got angry that Portugal and Spain were getting all the treasure and gold that was found in the Americas, so they made a plan to attack them and seize these ships which were filled with treasure and gold.


The Sailors that were hired to attack ships, these men were called Privateers, every time privateers invade the lands or seize the ship they always take 3rd part of the loot they get.

During the Golden age of Piracy topmost notorious pirates was known as “Blackbeard”, his real name before Blackbeard was “Edward Thatch” he was known as a Blackbeard because of his long black beard. He joined the Royal Navy at a very young age after his father passed away (Edward Teach Senior) during Queen Anne’s War (1701-1704).


Pirates Language:

The most spoken language widely used by Pirates and privateers was “Maritime Pidgin English”, also Nautical Jargon. A trade Jargon was mostly spoken between sailors on Board vessels and in coastal areas, many of them were from different nations. During that time there was no native speaker because many different cultures and religions were traveling together. Pidgin’s language origin is England and this word came from England, the Pidgin word means Business pidgin is not the native language of any region, religion, or country.

Pidgin’s language is usually born when two different language speakers with no common language tries to have a makeshift conversation with each other. So, 3rd dominator language is known as Pidgin.



The Pirates got famous in history because of the Golden Age of piracy (the 1650s to 1730s), during that time number of pirates was more than 5000 pirates said to be at sea. If we talk about the most terrifying and horrific pirate of all time first names that gone comes its “Blackbeard”. There were lots of other languages during the 17th” to 18th Centuries, but “Pidgin” was a hybrid language an offspring of two languages which were mostly spoken at that time. If you are interested to know more about pirates you should need to watch movies like “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Peter Pan”, “Blackbeard's Ghost” Etc.


By Zafran Ahmed 

Booking Executive - UKLST


اللغة الانجليزية ولهجاتها  

12 أبريل 2022

English has quickly grown into an international language of communication and business. As a result of the spread of culture and the subsequent growth of the British Empire, English has become a bridge used to communicate with people all around the world.

Like many other languages, the correct pronunciation of English depends largely on the area in which it is spoken, but an accent is how people pronounce words while a dialect includes not only pronunciation but grammar and vocabulary. This alteration in vocabulary and grammar of the language is referred to as a dialect in that particular area.

A wide range of vernacular languages stems from a blend of mixed language comprehension combined with local personal delivery. This has resulted in hundreds of changing dialects around the world, introducing a broader global understanding and delivery of the English language.

Some of the most widely spoken English languages include those from Australia, The US, the UK, Jamaica, India, Canada, and beyond. The vernacular in those regions makes the language delivery itself by combining cultural phrases with certain words in a language that cannot be distinguished from the outside world these dialects often change in different regions of the region to transform into vernacular languages.

British English

British English is a common vernacular or English language used in Great Britain, different from that used elsewhere. There is little regional variation in official English, written in the United Kingdom. English is a West Germanic language derived from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by German immigrants from various parts of what is now northwestern Germany and the north of the Netherlands.

The local population of the period was much more common than the everyday Brittonic — a variety of continental Celtic, which was influenced by the Roman occupation.

American English

American English sometimes called U.S English or United States English is a collection of English language variants that originated in the United States and is widely accepted in Canada. English is the most widely spoken language in The Unites States and is a common language used by the coalition government, which is considered a national language because of its widespread use. English has official status by 32 out of 50 state governments.

Australian English

Australian English is a major variant of the English language throughout Australia. Although English has no official position in the constitution, Australian English is the national language and is the official language of the country as it is the first language of the majority of the population.

Canadian English

Canadian English is a collection of English language variants of Canadian origin. According to the 2011 census, English was the first language of Canada's estimated 19 million people, 57% of the population, and the rest of the population was native Canadian French speakers 22% of the population.

Canadian English is the product of waves lasting more than two centuries.

Indian English

English replaced Persian as the official language of the East India Company in 1835 (India at that time and today, is one of the world’s linguistically diverse regions).

Lord Macaulay played a key role in introducing English and western concepts in Indian education. He supported the Persian translation into English as the official language.

The idea of this language among many Indians has shifted from colonialism to economic development, and English continues to be the official language of India, despite having an Indian twist, commonly known as Indian English.


Although it all applies to speech only, not to English writing.

Language is diverse, and it is a manifestation of diversity. It is an individual, with a manifestation of personality and identity. Agreements play a role in communications, which are also a major part of ownership, but are limited, and easy to read.

Think of the different dialects of English as helpers, not as barriers.

By Wajahat Usmani

Booking Executive - UKLST


ما هي لغة الجسد؟ 

04 أبريل 2022

لماذا التواصل مهم؟ 

30 ديسمبر 2021

اللغة التركية 

01 أبريل 2022

25 مارس 2022

الهندية مقابل. الأردية 

أهمية لغات البرمجة

15 مارس 2022

ولا تزال معظم اللغات القديمة تُستخدم حتى يومنا هذا.

09 مارس 2022

مقدمة لمترجمي لغة الإشارة. 

08 مارس 2022

تاريخ اللغة العبرية 

21 مارس 2022

لغة اخرى؟!؟!

15 نوفمبر 2021

ما هي المترجمين الفوريين؟

4 نوفمبر 2021

أهمية الخدمات اللغوية في قطاع الرعاية الصحية 

08 يوليو 2021

نص واحد، 3000 ترجمة 

01 يوليو 2021

المترجم الذي غير العالم

24 سبتمبر 2020

الترجمة في صناعة السينما

17 سبتمبر 2020

ما هي أهم 4 لغات في القرن الحادي والعشرين؟ &نبسب;

11 سبتمبر 2020

4 أسباب تجعلك بحاجة إلى ترجمة المستندات القانونية 

04 سبتمبر 2020

أهمية المترجمين أثناء الوباء العالمي 

25 أغسطس 2020

5 أسباب لترجمة موقع الويب الخاص بك في المملكة المتحدة

07 مايو 2020

أهمية الترجمة 

31 يناير 2020

هل أصبحت بريطانيا متعددة الثقافات؟

06 يناير 2020

تأثير المترجمين الفوريين على المجتمع

27 نوفمبر 2019

المترجمون في الصحة

27 نوفمبر 2019

اللغات الأفريقية: 10 أشياء يجب معرفتها

7 يونيو 2019

فوائد الفصول الدراسية متعددة اللغات 

3 مايو  2019

المجتمع المتعدد الثقافات يعني الترجمة 

 19 أبريل 2019

حقائق اللغة الإنجليزية

29 مارس  2019

أفضل 10 لغات منطوقة في العالم

20 فبراير 2019

كيف تتعلم اللغات بفعالية في 7 نقاط؟

23 نوفمبر 2018

ما هي الترجمة الفورية للمحكمة؟

16 فبراير 2018

الفرق بين الترجمة الشفوية والترجمة التحريرية 

08 فبراير 2018

فوائد معرفة أكثر من لغة

04 فبراير 2018

عيوب الترجمة الحاسوبية

27 يناير 2018

لماذا تعتبر اللغة الانجليزية مهمة؟

21 ديسمبر 2017

الغوص في التكنولوجيا المتقدمة

05 ديسمبر 2023

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