المملكة المتحدة للخدمات القانونية للترجمة المحدودة
المملكة المتحدة للخدمات القانونية للترجمة المحدودة
"كيف يمكننا أن نحصل بسرعة على جوهر هذه القطعة دون الحاجة إلى قراءة كل كلمة لعينة."
الغوص في التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
05 ديسمبر 2023
في مشهد التكنولوجيا المتطور باستمرار، وصلت وتيرة الابتكار إلى مستويات غير مسبوقة. من الذكاء الاصطناعي إلى الحوسبة الكمومية، تعمل التقنيات المتقدمة على إعادة تشكيل الطريقة التي نعيش بها، ونعمل، ونتفاعل مع العالم. في هذه المدونة، سنستكشف بعضًا من أحدث التطورات التي تدفع حدود ما اعتقدنا أنه ممكن.
1. الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) والتعلم الآلي (ML):
لقد انتقل الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي من الكلمات الطنانة إلى التقنيات التكوينية المتحولة مع تطبيقات العالم الحقيقي. لم يعد الذكاء الاصطناعي يقتصر على أفلام الخيال العلمي؛ إنها القوة الدافعة وراء الأنظمة الذكية التي يمكنها التعلم والتكيف واتخاذ القرارات. تعمل خوارزميات التعلم الآلي على تشغيل أنظمة التوصية، والمركبات ذاتية القيادة، بل وتساهم في التشخيص الطبي، مما يدل على الإمكانات الهائلة لهذه التقنيات.
2. الحوسبة الكمومية:
تستعد الحوسبة الكمومية لإحداث ثورة في عالم الحوسبة. على عكس أجهزة الكمبيوتر الكلاسيكية التي تعتمد على البتات، تستخدم أجهزة الكمبيوتر الكمومية الكيوبتات، والتي يمكن أن توجد في حالات متعددة في وقت واحد. تتمتع قدرة المعالجة المتوازية هذه بالقدرة على حل المشكلات المعقدة بشكل أسرع بشكل كبير من أجهزة الكمبيوتر التقليدية. لا تزال الحوسبة الكمومية في مراحلها الأولى، لكن الباحثين يخطون خطوات كبيرة في تطوير التطبيقات العملية، مثل مشاكل التحسين، والتشفير، واكتشاف الأدوية.
3. تقنية 5G:
يؤدي طرح تقنية 5G إلى تغيير الطريقة التي نتواصل بها ونتواصل بها. بفضل السرعات الأعلى وزمن الوصول الأقل والقدرة المتزايدة، تتيح تقنية الجيل الخامس (5G) الاعتماد على نطاق واسع لإنترنت الأشياء (IoT)، والواقع المعزز (AR)، والواقع الافتراضي (VR). هذه التكنولوجيا ليست مجرد ترقية من شبكة الجيل الرابع؛ إنه حافز لعصر جديد من الأجهزة المترابطة والتجارب الرقمية الغامرة.
4. التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الوراثية:
إن التقدم في التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الوراثية يفتح أسرار الحياة ويقدم إمكانيات غير مسبوقة للرعاية الصحية وخارجها. على سبيل المثال، تسمح تقنية تحرير الجينات كريسبر للعلماء بتعديل الجينات بدقة ملحوظة، مما قد يؤدي إلى علاج الأمراض الوراثية. إن التقاطع بين التكنولوجيا وعلم الأحياء يمهد الطريق للطب الشخصي، حيث يتم تصميم العلاجات بما يتناسب مع التركيب الجيني للفرد.
5. البلوكشين والتمويل اللامركزي (DeFi):
لقد تطورت تقنية Blockchain، التي تم تطويرها في البداية للعملات المشفرة مثل Bitcoin، إلى أداة متعددة الاستخدامات لها تطبيقات تتجاوز التمويل. إن طبيعة Blockchain اللامركزية والشفافة تُحدث ثورة في الصناعات، مما يضمن معاملات آمنة ومضادة للتلاعب. في مجال التمويل، تعمل منصات التمويل اللامركزي (DeFi) على إعادة تشكيل الخدمات المصرفية التقليدية من خلال توفير بدائل لامركزية للإقراض والاقتراض والتداول، مما يلغي الحاجة إلى الوسطاء.
6. الواقع المعزز (AR) والواقع الافتراضي (VR):
يعمل الواقع المعزز والواقع الافتراضي على تغيير طريقة إدراكنا للعالم الرقمي وتفاعلنا معه. يعمل الواقع المعزز على تراكب المعلومات الرقمية على العالم الحقيقي، مما يعزز محيطنا ببيانات إضافية. يعمل الواقع الافتراضي على غمر المستخدمين في بيئات رقمية بالكامل، مما يوفر إمكانيات جديدة للألعاب والتعليم والتدريب. ومع ازدياد سهولة الوصول إلى هذه التقنيات، أصبح تأثيرها على مختلف الصناعات، من الرعاية الصحية إلى التعليم، عميقا على نحو متزايد.
بقلم محمد زين
مدير تكنولوجيا المعلومات - UKLST
Human Rights Day: A Call for Equality and Justice
10 December 2024
Every year on December 10th, the world observes Human Rights Day, a day dedicated to honoring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. This declaration sets forth the fundamental rights and freedoms that should be guaranteed to all people, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, or any other status.
Human Rights Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles for equality, justice, and dignity faced by individuals and communities worldwide. While significant progress has been made in advancing human rights, many continue to face violations such as discrimination, oppression, and lack of access to basic necessities like education, healthcare, and safety.
Each year, Human Rights Day focuses on a specific theme to shed light on current global issues. These themes aim to raise awareness and inspire action to protect and promote human rights. The 2023 theme, for instance, emphasized the role of technology in advancing human rights while also highlighting its potential to infringe upon privacy and freedom.
Human Rights Day is not just a day of reflection but also a call to action. It challenges governments, organizations, and individuals to uphold and protect the rights of all people, especially those in marginalized and vulnerable communities. It reminds us that the fight for human rights is ongoing and that we must continue to advocate for a world where everyone can live with dignity, equality, and justice.
As we celebrate Human Rights Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to promoting human rights in our communities and beyond. It’s a day to reflect on our collective responsibility to ensure that the freedoms outlined in the UDHR become a reality for all.
By Hamza Fahim
IT Officer – UKLST
Why Professional Translation and Interpretation Services Matter
30 November 2024
In today’s globalized world, clear communication is more important than ever, especially when language barriers stand in the way. Whether for business, legal, healthcare, or personal reasons, professional translation and interpretation services play a crucial role in bridging linguistic gaps and ensuring accurate, effective communication.
Translation vs. Interpretation: What's the Difference?
While both services involve converting one language to another, the key difference lies in their medium. Translation refers to written text—whether documents, websites, or books—being translated into another language. Interpretation, on the other hand, deals with spoken language and is often needed in real-time situations like meetings, conferences, or courtrooms.
Why You Need Professional Services
Accuracy and Precision: Professional translators and interpreters are not just fluent speakers but experts in understanding context, culture, and nuances of language, ensuring that nothing gets lost in translation.
Confidentiality: Many situations, such as legal or medical appointments, require utmost confidentiality. Certified translation and interpretation services ensure your sensitive information stays protected.
Cultural Sensitivity: Beyond words, language reflects culture. Professional services are aware of cultural differences and provide culturally sensitive translations, which can be vital for business negotiations or marketing materials.
Expanding Reach: Whether you're entering international markets or communicating with a diverse local audience, translation and interpretation services help your message resonate across linguistic and cultural divides.
In conclusion, language is a powerful tool, but only when it's used correctly. Professional translation and interpretation services ensure that your words carry the right meaning, making communication smoother and more effective.
By Hamza Fahim
IT Manager - UKLST
Beauty of Languages
18 November 2024
Language is one of the most powerful tools we have in the world today. It connects people, allows us to share ideas, and helps us understand the world around us. Roughly there are over 7,000 languages in the world, each with its own unique way of expressing feelings. Languages are more than just words, they carry history. For example, when you learn a new language, you’re not just learning how to speak or write, but it’s a door to understanding new ways of thinking.
Speaking different languages helps us connect with people from all corners of the world, opening up opportunities for friendship, learning, and even business. Learning a new language can be difficult, but it's also incredibly rewarding. It takes time, patience, and practice. You might make mistakes, but that's part of it. The more you learn, the more doors you can open.
Plus, learning new languages can improve memory, boost brain power, and even help you understand your own language better. language is much more than just a way to communicate. It’s a bridge that brings people together, opens our minds to new cultures, and helps us understand the world more deeply. Whether you’re learning a new language or simply speaking the one you speak, remember that every word you say carries history and connection.
By Muhammad Zuhair Zaki
Booking Executive - UKLST
الغوص في التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
05 ديسمبر 2023
في مشهد التكنولوجيا المتطور باستمرار، وصلت وتيرة الابتكار إلى مستويات غير مسبوقة. من الذكاء الاصطناعي إلى الحوسبة الكمومية، تعمل التقنيات المتقدمة على إعادة تشكيل الطريقة التي نعيش بها، ونعمل، ونتفاعل مع العالم. في هذه المدونة، سنستكشف بعضًا من أحدث التطورات التي تدفع حدود ما اعتقدنا أنه ممكن.
1. الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) والتعلم الآلي (ML):
لقد انتقل الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي من الكلمات الطنانة إلى التقنيات التكوينية المتحولة مع تطبيقات العالم الحقيقي. لم يعد الذكاء الاصطناعي يقتصر على أفلام الخيال العلمي؛ إنها القوة الدافعة وراء الأنظمة الذكية التي يمكنها التعلم والتكيف واتخاذ القرارات. تعمل خوارزميات التعلم الآلي على تشغيل أنظمة التوصية، والمركبات ذاتية القيادة، بل وتساهم في التشخيص الطبي، مما يدل على الإمكانات الهائلة لهذه التقنيات.
2. الحوسبة الكمومية:
تستعد الحوسبة الكمومية لإحداث ثورة في عالم الحوسبة. على عكس أجهزة الكمبيوتر الكلاسيكية التي تعتمد على البتات، تستخدم أجهزة الكمبيوتر الكمومية الكيوبتات، والتي يمكن أن توجد في حالات متعددة في وقت واحد. تتمتع قدرة المعالجة المتوازية هذه بالقدرة على حل المشكلات المعقدة بشكل أسرع بشكل كبير من أجهزة الكمبيوتر التقليدية. لا تزال الحوسبة الكمومية في مراحلها الأولى، لكن الباحثين يخطون خطوات كبيرة في تطوير التطبيقات العملية، مثل مشاكل التحسين، والتشفير، واكتشاف الأدوية.
3. تقنية 5G:
يؤدي طرح تقنية 5G إلى تغيير الطريقة التي نتواصل بها ونتواصل بها. بفضل السرعات الأعلى وزمن الوصول الأقل والقدرة المتزايدة، تتيح تقنية الجيل الخامس (5G) الاعتماد على نطاق واسع لإنترنت الأشياء (IoT)، والواقع المعزز (AR)، والواقع الافتراضي (VR). هذه التكنولوجيا ليست مجرد ترقية من شبكة الجيل الرابع؛ إنه حافز لعصر جديد من الأجهزة المترابطة والتجارب الرقمية الغامرة.
4. التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الوراثية:
إن التقدم في التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الوراثية يفتح أسرار الحياة ويقدم إمكانيات غير مسبوقة للرعاية الصحية وخارجها. على سبيل المثال، تسمح تقنية تحرير الجينات كريسبر للعلماء بتعديل الجينات بدقة ملحوظة، مما قد يؤدي إلى علاج الأمراض الوراثية. إن التقاطع بين التكنولوجيا وعلم الأحياء يمهد الطريق للطب الشخصي، حيث يتم تصميم العلاجات بما يتناسب مع التركيب الجيني للفرد.
5. البلوكشين والتمويل اللامركزي (DeFi):
لقد تطورت تقنية Blockchain، التي تم تطويرها في البداية للعملات المشفرة مثل Bitcoin، إلى أداة متعددة الاستخدامات لها تطبيقات تتجاوز التمويل. إن طبيعة Blockchain اللامركزية والشفافة تُحدث ثورة في الصناعات، مما يضمن معاملات آمنة ومضادة للتلاعب. في مجال التمويل، تعمل منصات التمويل اللامركزي (DeFi) على إعادة تشكيل الخدمات المصرفية التقليدية من خلال توفير بدائل لامركزية للإقراض والاقتراض والتداول، مما يلغي الحاجة إلى الوسطاء.
6. الواقع المعزز (AR) والواقع الافتراضي (VR):
يعمل الواقع المعزز والواقع الافتراضي على تغيير طريقة إدراكنا للعالم الرقمي وتفاعلنا معه. يعمل الواقع المعزز على تراكب المعلومات الرقمية على العالم الحقيقي، مما يعزز محيطنا ببيانات إضافية. يعمل الواقع الافتراضي على غمر المستخدمين في بيئات رقمية بالكامل، مما يوفر إمكانيات جديدة للألعاب والتعليم والتدريب. ومع ازدياد سهولة الوصول إلى هذه التقنيات، أصبح تأثيرها على مختلف الصناعات، من الرعاية الصحية إلى التعليم، عميقا على نحو متزايد.
بقلم محمد زين
مدير تكنولوجيا المعلومات - UKLST
الغوص في التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
05 ديسمبر 2023
في مشهد التكنولوجيا المتطور باستمرار، وصلت وتيرة الابتكار إلى مستويات غير مسبوقة. من الذكاء الاصطناعي إلى الحوسبة الكمومية، تعمل التقنيات المتقدمة على إعادة تشكيل الطريقة التي نعيش بها، ونعمل، ونتفاعل مع العالم. في هذه المدونة، سنستكشف بعضًا من أحدث التطورات التي تدفع حدود ما اعتقدنا أنه ممكن.
1. الذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) والتعلم الآلي (ML):
لقد انتقل الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي من الكلمات الطنانة إلى التقنيات التكوينية المتحولة مع تطبيقات العالم الحقيقي. لم يعد الذكاء الاصطناعي يقتصر على أفلام الخيال العلمي؛ إنها القوة الدافعة وراء الأنظمة الذكية التي يمكنها التعلم والتكيف واتخاذ القرارات. تعمل خوارزميات التعلم الآلي على تشغيل أنظمة التوصية، والمركبات ذاتية القيادة، بل وتساهم في التشخيص الطبي، مما يدل على الإمكانات الهائلة لهذه التقنيات.
2. الحوسبة الكمومية:
تستعد الحوسبة الكمومية لإحداث ثورة في عالم الحوسبة. على عكس أجهزة الكمبيوتر الكلاسيكية التي تعتمد على البتات، تستخدم أجهزة الكمبيوتر الكمومية الكيوبتات، والتي يمكن أن توجد في حالات متعددة في وقت واحد. تتمتع قدرة المعالجة المتوازية هذه بالقدرة على حل المشكلات المعقدة بشكل أسرع بشكل كبير من أجهزة الكمبيوتر التقليدية. لا تزال الحوسبة الكمومية في مراحلها الأولى، لكن الباحثين يخطون خطوات كبيرة في تطوير التطبيقات العملية، مثل مشاكل التحسين، والتشفير، واكتشاف الأدوية.
3. تقنية 5G:
يؤدي طرح تقنية 5G إلى تغيير الطريقة التي نتواصل بها ونتواصل بها. بفضل السرعات الأعلى وزمن الوصول الأقل والقدرة المتزايدة، تتيح تقنية الجيل الخامس (5G) الاعتماد على نطاق واسع لإنترنت الأشياء (IoT)، والواقع المعزز (AR)، والواقع الافتراضي (VR). هذه التكنولوجيا ليست مجرد ترقية من شبكة الجيل الرابع؛ إنه حافز لعصر جديد من الأجهزة المترابطة والتجارب الرقمية الغامرة.
4. التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الوراثية:
إن التقدم في التكنولوجيا الحيوية والهندسة الوراثية يفتح أسرار الحياة ويقدم إمكانيات غير مسبوقة للرعاية الصحية وخارجها. على سبيل المثال، تسمح تقنية تحرير الجينات كريسبر للعلماء بتعديل الجينات بدقة ملحوظة، مما قد يؤدي إلى علاج الأمراض الوراثية. إن التقاطع بين التكنولوجيا وعلم الأحياء يمهد الطريق للطب الشخصي، حيث يتم تصميم العلاجات بما يتناسب مع التركيب الجيني للفرد.
5. البلوكشين والتمويل اللامركزي (DeFi):
لقد تطورت تقنية Blockchain، التي تم تطويرها في البداية للعملات المشفرة مثل Bitcoin، إلى أداة متعددة الاستخدامات لها تطبيقات تتجاوز التمويل. إن طبيعة Blockchain اللامركزية والشفافة تُحدث ثورة في الصناعات، مما يضمن معاملات آمنة ومضادة للتلاعب. في مجال التمويل، تعمل منصات التمويل اللامركزي (DeFi) على إعادة تشكيل الخدمات المصرفية التقليدية من خلال توفير بدائل لامركزية للإقراض والاقتراض والتداول، مما يلغي الحاجة إلى الوسطاء.
6. الواقع المعزز (AR) والواقع الافتراضي (VR):
يعمل الواقع المعزز والواقع الافتراضي على تغيير طريقة إدراكنا للعالم الرقمي وتفاعلنا معه. يعمل الواقع المعزز على تراكب المعلومات الرقمية على العالم الحقيقي، مما يعزز محيطنا ببيانات إضافية. يعمل الواقع الافتراضي على غمر المستخدمين في بيئات رقمية بالكامل، مما يوفر إمكانيات جديدة للألعاب والتعليم والتدريب. ومع ازدياد سهولة الوصول إلى هذه التقنيات، أصبح تأثيرها على مختلف الصناعات، من الرعاية الصحية إلى التعليم، عميقا على نحو متزايد.
بقلم محمد زين
مدير تكنولوجيا المعلومات - UKLST
ما هي لغة الجسد؟
ما هي لغة الجسد؟
04 أبريل 2022
Why do we communicate with others the way we do? In our society, communication has often been interpreted as a transactional exchange between two people. Communication is not based on words, but rather on body language. The key to effective communication is how you make an impression; how your gestures communicate your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. This article explores the role of body language in verbal and nonverbal communication. It examines how people communicate using body language and why this type of communication is crucial for successful business relationships.
Body Language
What is communication, anyway? There seems to be no simple answer to this question, but we need to start with basic definitions. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, communication is “the process of conveying and transmitting information from sources of knowledge and experience to others, whether at face value or as a matter of statecraft or custom.” (Merriam Webster Online)
A brief overview of this definition shows that you have to transfer knowledge, ideas, and emotions from one party to the other party, either verbally or nonverbally. Of course, this definition does not refer to any particular kind of interaction; communication is more likely to occur between two individuals. However, I would argue that the first steward’s communication is the exchange of verbal cues that inform the recipient of what is happening.
The most obvious examples are eye contact, facial expression, touch, and body language. Let’s discuss each one in detail.
1: Facial expressions
Facial Expression Shows Your Interest in Others’ Opinions the importance of facial expression in communication cannot be underestimated. Research shows that eye contact often prompts the giver into a conversation that they did not intend to begin or have already anticipated. By creating eye contact with the recipient, you immediately instill a mutual interest, which leads to further discussion.
2: Eye contact
Eye Contact Communicates Approval, Respect, Affirmation, and Empathy from Your Guests to Yourself To your customers the purpose of eye contact is to create an immediate psychological connection with the recipient. This connection allows the recipient to open up emotionally with you so that you are comfortable in a personal situation like that you choose to interact with them. Even though eye contact can create trust among you and the beneficiary of your communication, it can also cause resentment among the recipient if the recipient believes that the emotional connection created between you and the recipient is unwanted (e.g., if the recipient suspects that “a stranger” had an emotional connection with them that you did not). Therefore, by creating a psychological response from the recipient to receive your communication, you establish a bond and establish trust that goes beyond just being a simple friend.
3: Body movement and posture
Your body movement and posture include aspects such as sitting, walking, standing, bearing, and even movements. Body language and gestures play an important part in any individual’s professional as well as personal life. Every professional field or social context demands some kind of communication in a very different way. Like we can’t sit in the office as we used to sit in our houses. We can’t make laugh as we do with our friends.
4: Touch
Touching another individual’s arm also sends a strong signal of approval by reinforcing the fact that you trust them and want them in your life. If a receiver receives attention and respect, then they will respond more readily and have greater confidence in you and your abilities.
5: Voice
It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. While you are speaking other people read your voice and listen to your words. They pay attention to your timing and pace, how loud you speak, your tone and inflection, and the sounds that convey understanding. Our voices contain confidence, happiness, and anger that clearly show the situations, we are going through.
6: Physical contact
Physical contact (such as kissing, hugging, and cuddling) often leaves a lasting impact on the recipient’s confidence or self-esteem, especially if that contact includes touching their genitals. Although there are many theories as to why touching someone’s body provides this effect, studies show that the brain knows to associate the touch with love when it perceives that the recipient is safe and secure in your presence (e.g., giving someone a hug, a kiss, a pat on the back, etc.).
Our body language is as important as our words. Because both have equal importance in the way they are used. Our words expressed our thoughts and our body language supports our thoughts and reflects, what we are trying to say to the other person. Body language plays a very important role in the lives of people that can’t speak, their body is the only way to speak with others. Their eyes can speak, faces can speak, even their posture and gestures.
By Shamim Javed
Marketing Executive - UKLST
لماذا التواصل مهم؟
لماذا التواصل مهم؟
30 ديسمبر 2021
Imagine living in a world where nobody spoke. We would all listen to the birds sing, the leaves fall, the gentle breeze flowing through the sky, and so much more. We would be tuned to the orchestra of mother nature. It would be peaceful, but what would be the effects to humans.
Effective communication is one of the most important life skills. We can understand what is said to us and pass information on to others. It is fundamental to the existence and survival of humans. Without speaking to one another we would be bottling up our feelings and thoughts which would lead to misunderstandings.
Expressing ourselves allows us to voice our opinions and raise our concerns. It will bring you new networks and career opportunities and eases daily teamwork. You will understand people better and they will understand you too. Sometimes sending a text message can be risky as the receiver may not understand the tone and can take the message in a completely different light.
When speaking to someone in person, you are not only listening, but paying attention to their facial expression and body language. All your nonverbal behaviors- the movements you make, your posture, your tone of voice, how much eye contact you make all send strong messages. They can put people at ease, build trust, and draw others towards you, or they can offend, confuse, and undermine what you're trying to convey.
Communication plays a vital role in human life and society. It cannot be underestimated. It allows for sharing of information and knowledge with others. When engaged in a conversation, you can tell if a person is enjoying themselves or not. If they are looking around and fidgeting, they are most likely looking for a way to be excused.
How you speak to people allows for them to identify what sort of personality you have. Your tone of voice conveys your feelings and has an impact on how people will react to you. It gives an understanding of what you really mean because it shows how you feel. You can say anything you want at any given time, but the tone in your voice can’t be hidden, especially if you are angry or sad.
By Aysha Rahman
Booking Teams - UKLST
اللغة التركية
اللغة التركية
01 أبريل 2022
The Turkish language belongs to the Altay branch of the Ural-Altaic linguistic family, like Hungarian and Finnish. Turkish is a significant language because of the absolute number of people who speak it. 75 million people speak Turkish as their first language, making it one of the world’s 15 most widely spoken first languages.
15 million people speak Turkish as a second language and 93% of the population of turkey were native speakers of Turkish, and about 67 million people in good time, with Kurdish language making up most of the remainder.
Turkish is the official language of Turkey and it has official status in 38 municipalities in Kosovo and in Kirkuk governorate in Iraq.
Ottoman Turkish was highly influenced by Persian and Arabic words and the language accounted for up to 88 % of its vocabulary.
Across the span of history, Turks have spread over the vast geological area, taking their language with them as they have lived in a wide area from today’s Mongolia to the north coast of the Black Sea, Anatolia, Iraq, and northern Africa.
Because of the distance involved, innumerable dialects and accents have emerged.
The history of The Turkish language is split into three main groups, old Turkish was spoken 7th to 13th century, mid-Turkish was spoken 13th to 20th, and modern Turkish from the 20th century onwards.
During the Ottoman Empire period, Arabic and Persian words capture the Turkish language and it accordingly mixed with other languages.
The Ottoman Turkish is a descent from modern Turkish however the standard Turkish of today is essential as when in the Latin alphabet and with a plenitude of new words added, which means there are now far fewer loan words from other languages, and ottoman Turkish was not quickly modified into the today’s Turkish.
After the foundation of the Turkish republic in1923, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk saw the replacement of many Persian and Arabic origami in the language with their Turkish equivalents and also he saw the renewal of the Perso-Arabic script with the extended Latin alphabets.
As a result of this sudden change in language, adults and young ones in turkey begin to differ in their vocabulary. While the generation born before the 1940s tends to use their older terms of Persian and Arabic origin, however, the younger generation favors new expressions.
Well, modern Turkish is the successor of Ottoman Turkish and its antecedent, old Anatolian Turkish, which was introduced into Anatolia by Seljuq Turks in the late 11th century. Old Turkish gradually absorb multitudinous Persian and Arabic words and even phonological and morphological forms written in Arabic script.
By Wajahat Usmani
Booking Executive - UKLST
الهندية مقابل. الأردية
الهندية مقابل. الأردية
25 مارس 2022
Hindi and Urdu belong to the Indo-European language ethnicity.
There are between 60 to 80 million native speakers of standard Urdu. Urdu is the tenth most widely spoken language in the world, with 230 million total speakers, including those who speak it as a second language, whereas 425 million people speak Hindi as a first language and around 120 million as a second language.
Though Hindi and Urdu are mutually understandable and relatively the same, however, there are some differences in their standardization and distinct writing system nonetheless shearing alike phonology and grammar. They are also sharing the same region (South Asia).
Hindi is heavily influenced by Sanskrit and Urdu is influenced by Arabic and Persian however, the ratio differs in each language.
The Urdu writing system is named Nastaliq and it involves Persian and Arabic letters and is written from right to left. Besides this, Hindi uses the Devanagari script and is written across from Nastaliq, from left to right.
The association between Hindi and Urdu, both languages borrow much of their vocabulary and pronunciation of Sanskrit and Prakrit. A number of Sanskrit verbs engage their place in Urdu and Hindi languages.
If an Urdu-speaking person was to communicate with a Hindi-speaking person, they can understand each other very well, as long as they keep their language simple and do not use any complex words and phrases.
The amalgamation of Hindi and Persian influence on the Delhi dialect of “Old Hindi” led to the development of Hindi and Urdu being what they are today.
Urdu is mainly associated with Pakistan and Muslims while Hindi is associated with India and Hindus.
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, but it is also spoken in India. Meanwhile Hindi is the official language of India.
Urdu and Hindi are two variations of the same language. Both of them have grammar and phonology derived from Sanskrit and influence from foreign languages.
No matter how different they are, diversity has its own beauty and it unifies people!
By Wajahat Usmani
Booking Executive - UKLST
أهمية لغات البرمجة
أهمية لغات البرمجة
15 مارس 2022
As we are living in the 21st century. We speak different languages to communicate with each other. Languages and dialects are spoken to communicate with the human. But in the digital era, we have to understand some programming languages to connect with the outer world to share our ideas, options, thoughts, or any ongoing event around us. We use social media tools to share our daily activities with the world.
Modern human life is greatly influenced by computers. And the computer is run by a computer program. Computer programs are arranged by programming languages, therefore they are the basis of all the conveniences that we feel. Programming languages are responsible for all programs that have been made; rostering systems, virtual reality, scheduling software, online games, Uber app, anti-virus, and so on. Thus mastering programming languages brings one closer to understanding how all digital technology originates. This article will highlight the importance of programming languages.
A computer allows calculation operations at high speed; however, it is totally unusable if it were not for the programs that run on it. These programs are of various kinds, with the operating system, perhaps the most important of all, the system on which the different applications run.
In the case of an object-oriented programming language, on the other hand, there is an intention to reflect in the language different circumstances of real existence; thus, reference will be made into objects, classes, inheritances, attribute, etc.
The knowledge of any programming languages can be very important to develop capacities in terms of problem-solving and task automation. Certainly, this type of knowledge coupled with some basic notions of algorithms can open a whole new panorama of job possibilities.
Programming is an interesting field that gives us some superpowers to control computer systems. It can be used in airplanes, traffic control, robots, self-driving cars, websites, mobile apps, and tons of other use cases.
Computer programming is evolving and so are the languages that are used to develop software and applications. Different programming languages are used for different categories of developers. Some languages are best for beginners, while others are more suited for advanced computer programmers. In addition, some languages are better for different use cases such as web apps, mobile apps, and distributed systems.
Popular and important computer programming languages and applications include:
- Python
- Java
- C/C++
- JavaScript
- Swift
These are the most important languages and much more that programmers used for programming languages and developed different software that helped the common people solve their daily base technical problems. Now we can understand the importance of programming languages in this century.
By Shamim Javed
Marketing Executive - UKLST
ولا تزال معظم اللغات القديمة تُستخدم حتى يومنا هذا.
ولا تزال معظم اللغات القديمة تُستخدم حتى يومنا هذا.
09 مارس 2022
Once upon a time, before civilizations were formed, the kingdoms were established, and before the norms of society were created, humans used to communicate using hand gestures and primitive oral sounds. The concept of languages emerged about 10,000 years ago and it changed the course of humanity. It is the use of languages that led to the development of the human race and took us where we are today. Though the origin of the first-ever language is highly debated throughout the world, certain ancient scriptures and cave carvings reveal some of the oldest languages in the world.
1.Tamil (5000 years old)
Spoken by 78 million people and the official language in Sri Lanka and Singapore, Tamil is the oldest language in the world. It is the only ancient language that has survived all the way to the modern world. Tamil is the most widely spoken language in the state of Tamil Nadu and is also one of the official languages of India.
2. Sanskrit (5000 years old)
Unlike Tamil, which is still a widely spoken language, Sanskrit is the oldest language in the world but fell out of common usage around 600 B.C. It is now a liturgical language. The holy languages are found in the scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
3.Egyptian (5000 years old)
Egypt is considered to be one of the oldest civilizations in the world, and Egyptian Coptic is the oldest indigenous language of Egypt. Written records of its usage date back to 3400 BC, making it an ancient language. Coptic was the most widely spoken language in Egypt till the late 17th century AD until it was replaced by Egyptian Arabic, post-Muslim invasion. Coptic is still used as the liturgical language of the Coptic Church in Egypt. Only a handful of people fluently speaks the language today.
4.Greek (2900 years old)
Greek is the official language of Greece and Cyprus and was first spoken in Greece and Asia Minor, Which is now a part of Turkey. Greek has an uninterrupted history of being used as a written language for over 3,000 years, which is longer than any other Indo-European language spoken today. This history is divided into three stages, Ancient Greek, Medieval Greek, and Modern Greek.
5. Farsi (2500 years old)
Farsi is the common language spoken in modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. Farsi is the direct descendant of the Old Persian language, which was the official language of the Persian Empire. Modern Persian emerged around 800 CE, and it has changed sparsely since then. Speakers of the Persian language could pick up a piece of writing from 900 CE and read it with comparatively less difficulty than an English speaker could read the English texts from the times of Shakespeare for instance.
By Shamim Javed
Marketing Executive - UKLST
مقدمة لمترجمي لغة الإشارة.
مقدمة لمترجمي لغة الإشارة.
08 مارس 2022
The role of the interpreter appears to be very straightforward—to effectively facilitate communication between deaf individuals and those who are hearing. Interpreting requires a high level of fluency in two or more languages, keen ability to focus on what is being said, broad-based world knowledge, and professional, ethical conduct. Interpreters serve all parties in the communication exchange.
ASL Interpretation is the most prominent type of interpreting used today. Interpreters interpret between two distinct languages—American Sign Language and English. ASL interpreting occurs in two ways: simultaneously and consecutively. According to the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, simultaneous interpreting requires interpreters to listen and sign, or watch and speak, at the same time. Consecutive interpreting begins only after the speaker has spoken or signed a sentence or paragraph.
Transliteration is also a prominent mode of interpreting. Interpreters transliterate between Spoken English and a significant representation of English. Often times, elements of ASL interpreting are incorporated, but overall it follows an English word order.
Tactile Interpretation is a method of interpreting used by individuals who are deaf-blind. In this Mode, an interpreter creates signs in the person’s hand, while using other tactile cues to describe Affect and the environment.
Oral Transliteration is a less commonly used visual access system. Oral Trans iterators silently Repeat the English being spoken, while using specialized techniques to supplement the mouthing (e.g., gestures, pointing, etc.).
Cued Speech Transliteration is a less commonly used visual access system. It is a unique System whereby the Trans iterator uses handshapes situated.
In different locations near the mouth to represent English
Phonetic markers. Fluency in ASL is only one of several competencies needed to effectively interpret. Interpreters must also know how to assess the communication preferences or language level of the deaf individual and then adapt their interpretation to meet these needs. Interpreters must be able to retain information and manage the flow of the communication, most often in real time. They must understand and manage the cultural nuances of the environment and follow professional and ethical standards set by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.
However, graduates of interpreter education programs most often do not possess all of the required competencies and are usually not ready to sit for professional certification.
Achieving Certification According to the National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers, on average, it takes those with a BA/BS degree 19 to 24 months after graduation to achieve national certification; whereas for
AA/AAS program graduates, the average time to national certification is 25 to 36 months.
By Shamim Javed
Marketing Executive - UKLST
تاريخ اللغة العبرية
تاريخ اللغة العبرية
21 مارس 2022
What is the Hebrew language?
This question comes up when we are trying to study a word or phrase from its historical context, like what was the basis of the religion that was written in Hebrew?
In most religions, there are sacred writings that describe the origin of that particular god. There are also Jewish texts that talk about why they chose to worship God in this way.
One of these was the first one written in Hebrew, which talks about how creation began with our Lord’s own hands and was given to him for his stewardship to rule. The second was the Torah, which gives us the laws and regulations to live by; this document teaches that God gave His name as Yahweh (or sometimes transliterated as Yah), and He is the one who created the earth, humans, plants, animals, the heavens, and everything else.
In Judaism, there are many sacred writings, including some that were written in Aramaic.
In essence, we know that the Jews followed all instructions set forth by God, but as stated above, there has always been debate over the issue of whether Jews should worship Yahweh alone and not be led by the other gods.
In the book of Chronicles, he (God) called upon the tribes of Judah and King David of Israel to continue working together even though their kingdoms had been divided. Their work is referred to as “the covenant,” because one tribe was mandated to provide protection, food, and shelter for each other. However, during the times before Abraham was born, his grandfather made promises of land, but he knew it would take time, so he did not fulfill them at once. So when Abraham came of age, there was no more promise of land, just an agreement among the tribes. But now with Abraham’s birth, we see that God promised a promise to Abraham, and Abraham obeyed. This changed after he became king, however, when God said that all men must bear children that are descendants of Jacob and Isaac; both were taken away, leaving Abraham alone again.
With Abraham is the father of twelve sons, and then three daughters, he needed to find someone to play the role that he played; he needed help. When he asked Ben-Hur, who is known today as Joshua, to go to war and kill two of the people that he thought were enemies of God, and save them from the jaws of the serpent. Joshua succeeds and defeats the demon; God also grants him authority over the area where the battle occurred, giving him permission to return home and take his clan. After years of fighting, God tells Joshua to follow his dreams and see if he can defeat the armies of Ahaz, and Geshur, which is where we first see the Hebrew language developed.
But when a group of King David gathered by the royal palace, they decided that they wanted to hold an assembly to discuss their problems. They explained what had happened before, how they were exiled from Jerusalem, and how they had become separated for centuries. Then the king asked them to go into the presence of the divine messenger, Yahweh, and to give a prayer to Almighty God. That’s when Yahweh speaks out loud, and Israel responds in unison saying “Oh Lord, please accept us into your promise. Amen” After he finishes speaking out loud, he says “Your words will be heard in a thousand places.” And after the entire assembly takes the vow of obedience, Yahweh opens his mouth to pronounce the Ten Commandments and blesses them.
The next morning, on Israel’s sixth day, King Solomon sits down to write the first book of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Book of Ecclesiastes. The Hebrew translations of Ecclesiastes are all done exactly the same way and the only difference in the translated edition is that King Solomon wrote it in Hebrew instead of Aramaic, which I am sure is pretty easy to understand for anyone in English reading it today. It is quite possibly the commonly translated version of any verse in the Bible.
The Israelites were very religious and they believed in God, but their faith was tested many times throughout the ages when God rebuked their sins and asked them to repent of those sins.
By Shamim Javed
Marketing Executive - UKLST
لغة اخرى؟!؟!
لغة اخرى؟!؟!
15 نوفمبر 2021
Millions of people around the world, have started using technology as a way to help them learn a new language. Being bilingual isn't rare; in fact, it's the norm for most of the world's population. It is common for a person to know more than 2 languages.
Learning a new language is beneficial in many ways. It enlightens you to different cultures and makes you appreciate them. Cultures make what each country unique and interesting. By learning the language of the country, you are broadening your vocabulary and training your memory to remember new words.
It also increases travel opportunities. You will meet new people and experience how different we can be from one another. You can understand ideas and thoughts that may be different from your own beliefs. Language helps preserve cultures, but it also allows us to learn about others and spread ideas quickly.
Learning a new language challenges your brain and keeps it active. The more you make use of your brain, the more your brain will function and pick up on new skills. Your brain will get familiar with new grammar and vocabulary rules. You will be training your memory to remember new words, make connections between them and use them in contextual situations.
You also enhance your capability to multitask. You will be able to switch between two languages. You will have the ability to think in one language and then communicate in another. By putting yourself in a language learning environment, you are challenging yourself. It will encourage you to achieve better and stimulate growth. You will find confidence in your abilities.
Speaking more than one language has many perks; one of them being you will be able to appeal to more employers. As you speak another language, you will be able to interact with more customers and make relations oversea and deal with international clients. When it comes down to making the decision of who to hire, you or someone with no second language, who do you think might be hired?
By Aysha Rahman
Booking Teams - UKLST
ما هي المترجمين الفوريين؟
ما هي المترجمين الفوريين؟
4 نوفمبر 2021
Interpreters have a significant role in contemporary society; they are there to help build the bridge between two or more parties who do not speak the same language. They help close the gap, allowing effective interaction. They are essential for those who do not speak the same language. They help get the message across and leave no room for misunderstandings. It is because they understand verbal communication from one language to another, and act as mediums where language barriers exist. At certain times, interpreters translate written communication from one language to another. They work in different fields such as: education, health care, insurance, legal cases, and other industries.
Interpreters must not be impartial as it is between the parties involved. They cannot influence or partake in any decision-making. This is because their role is simply to convey messages across, not to give their opinions. They must keep all information private if they discuss it out the conference, they would be breaching confidentiality. It puts the client at risk if their information is being misused. Interpreters could get faced with civil lawsuits if they leak information.
They fulfil people’s right to access information. We all have a right to know what is going with us and around the world. Without interpreters, people who only speak one language might not be able to receive the professional help they require.
For example, if a patient is attending a medical appointment and is unable to understand the doctor, it can be intimidating. They will not understand and therefore may believe something bad has happened.
As they also will not be able to explain themselves, they may feel inadequate care is being given to them. Interpreters help reduce differences in healthcare access and quality of care between native and non-native speaking patients, improving clinical outcomes.
The interpreter can tell the doctor how the patient is feeling and ensure correct medication is prescribed. Interpreters do a lot more than just convey messages across; they are the voice for some people.
By Aysha Rahman
Booking Teams - UKLST
أهمية الخدمات اللغوية في قطاع الرعاية الصحية
أهمية الخدمات اللغوية في قطاع الرعاية الصحية
08 يوليو 2021
The role of translation and interpretation is far more significant within the healthcare industry than we think. Almost 60,000 people in the UK can’t speak English, not taking into account those who can't speak it well! Therefore, language services are essential for translation and interpretation within health systems. Examples of such include appointments, a patient’s medical history in a different language, lab test results, and doctor-patient written correspondence.
Medical interpretation refers to the transfer of oral communication from one language to another. Enabling cross-linguistic communication, which can be conducted face-to-face, in a conference setting, or over the phone.
Alternatively, medical translation is written text, such as prescriptions and results, from a source language into a target language while preserving meaning.
Communication between the healthcare provider and the patient is essential in figuring out the issue first hand and providing correct diagnosis and treatment. Poor communication can result in an incomplete or inaccurate history, misdiagnosis, and a treatment plan based on misinformation. In some cases, patients have to rely on family members to help communicate with medical professionals. However, there can be limitations such as scheduling conflicts between the family member, patient, and medical professional.
Incorrect medical translation and interpretation can harm one’s health and well-being since it can lead to medical errors. Therefore, access to language services within the healthcare industry is crucial to providing proper medical services to patients.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to provide you with a language specialist, with over 350 languages available!
Want to give us a call? 0161 795 3377
Prefer to email? Contact@uklst.com
By Haniah Khan
Marketing Manager - UKLST
نص واحد، 3000 ترجمة
نص واحد، 3000 ترجمة
01 يوليو 2021
تتيح ترجمة النصوص في حياتنا المعاصرة تداول نص واحد ليصل إلى مئات وآلاف الأشخاص في كل ركن من أركان العالم. إن أهمية الترجمة متعددة الأبعاد أكثر مما ندرك. على الرغم من أن اللغة الإنجليزية هي أكبر لغة في العالم، إلا أنه يجب علينا أن نقدر أن الناس ببساطة يفضلون لغتهم الأم! لذا، عندما يتعلق الأمر بقراءة النصوص والكتب، فإن الترجمة هي المفتاح لكسب جمهور قارئ أوسع.
حسنًا، ما هو النص الأكثر ترجمة في التاريخ، ربما تتساءل؟ ربما خمنت بشكل صحيح... الكتاب المقدس! يعد هذا النص القديم، مع القرآن، من أكثر الكتب المترجمة في تاريخ البشرية. غالبًا ما تكون ترجمة النص هي الطريقة الأكثر فعالية لتعزيز تداوله، وفي هذه الحالة، لنشر نظام المعتقدات. تمت ترجمة سفر واحد على الأقل من الكتاب المقدس إلى ما يقرب من 3000 لغة! هناك ما يقرب من 611000 كلمة في النص الأصلي، مكتوبة بالعبرية والآرامية واليونانية. ولذلك، فإن الكتاب المقدس يأخذ التاج لكونه النص الأكثر ترجمة في العالم حتى الآن.
إذا تركنا الدين جانباً، فإن الكتاب الأكثر ترجمة في العالم هو كتاب بينوكيو لكارلو كولودي. تمت ترجمة حكاية الأطفال التي تدور حول صبي خشبي طويل الأنف إلى أكثر من 260 لغة منذ نشرها لأول مرة في عام 1883. وكان كولودي نفسه لغويًا إلى حد ما، وقد توصل بالفعل إلى فكرة بينوكيو بعد ترجمة العديد من القصص الخيالية من الفرنسية إلى الإيطالية. .
يتم تصوير جمال الترجمة وأهميتها حقًا من خلال القدرة على الحصول على نص واحد، يقتصر على فهم الأشخاص الذين يتحدثون لغة واحدة، لتتمكن من الوصول إلى حياة الآلاف والملايين من الأشخاص من جميع أنحاء العالم والتأثير عليها، ثقافات مختلفة، ويتحدثون لغات مختلفة. لذلك، هنا من UKLST نوجه تحية كبيرة لجميع المترجمين في جميع أنحاء العالم، الذين ربما أثروا دون علم على حياة الآخرين من خلال عملهم المهم في الترجمة.
بقلم هانية خان
مدير التسويق - UKLST
المترجم الذي غير العالم
المترجم الذي غير العالم
24 سبتمبر 2020
Interpreters started to exist as soon as man began to use spoken words. Throughout history there are a handful of interpreters that have shaped society and history for the better, or the worse.
In particular, one interpreter called Sacagawea, was known as the chief’s daughter and was born in Idaho in 1788. At the age of 12, she was abducted by a rival tribe and sold a French- Canadian fur trader. Charbonneau, who abducted her, then went on to make her his wife.
Sacagawea was an excellent food gatherer and was also bilingual, which is a skill which proved to be especially useful later in her life.
In the year 1804, two explorers, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led an expedition which led them to meet Charbonneau as they quickly hired him to serve as interpreter on their expedition. Sacagawea was also invited into the Lewis and Clark Expedition as an interpreter, being the only woman on board at the age of 16 years of age while traveling with 34 men traveling across what we now call America.
Everyone soon realized the importance of having interpreters accompany the expedition. Charbonneau spoke Hidatsa and French while Sacagawea spoke Shoshone and Hidatsa. Her linguistic skills proved especially useful because they were able to buy horses from the Shoshone chief who turned out to be Sacagawea’s brother and her story goes on.
On August 14th, 1806, the Corps returned to the Hidatsa-Mandan villages marking the end of the journey for Sacagawea, Charbonneau and their young son. Sacagawea received nothing for her part in the trip, but her husband received $500.33 and 320 acres of land. Although she got nothing in return for her service to the English explorers, they might have not made it as far as they did without her.
She died at the age of 25, but her legacy lives on to be portrayed as one of the most important interpreters in history.
By Haniah Khan
Marketing Manager - UKLST
Photo Credentials: battlefields.org
الترجمة في صناعة السينما
الترجمة في صناعة السينما
17 سبتمبر 2020
Being a translator in the film industry is valuable job, as you are introducing a piece of cinematic culture into another language so people of varied cultures can enjoy this part of the entertainment. Unsurprisingly, this industry thrives on translation into other languages for expansion and growth.
It can be a very fascinating and exciting job.However, at times it is evidently complex and draining as there are many factors contributing to an effective and professionally translated movie. Let us take a closer look into this…
Firstly, subtitling and dubbing have become major parts of marketing films into foreign audiences and territories. So, what is the difference between dubbing and subtitling? To put it simply, dubbing is where the films audio track is changed, hence the characters are seen to be speaking the foreign language. On the other hand, subtitling is the effective captioning of a film into another language, so the audio track remains the same, but dialogue has translated captions throughout the film.
Seemingly, subtitling is much easier than translating, but even with subtitling, the translator must have in depth knowledge of not only the foreign language, but also of the traditions and culture of the foreign target audience.
For someone who’s career is built around the fact that they translate between two languages, this job does not seem to be difficult. However, much hard work and dedication is required in this job. For example, translators must consider the target audiences’ culture to ensure no traditions and taboos are violated and that the colloquialism is presented accurately to the target audience.
All in all, whether the production decision makers want to go ahead with dubbing their film or subtitling, translating for movies is a complex process that takes a lot of time and effort. The translated texts must approximate the length of the original. Dubbing does not have to contend with restrictions on screen space, though.
How do you prefer your films and what are your thoughts on film translation?
By Haniah Khan
Marketing Manager - UKLST
Source: Film Daily
ما هي أهم 4 لغات في القرن الحادي والعشرين؟ &نبسب;
ما هي أهم 4 لغات في القرن الحادي والعشرين؟ &نبسب;
11 سبتمبر 2020
Many organizations and businesses in the UK today require professional translators due to the increasing demand in the foreign marketing business. Despite the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, organizations and businesses are still doing well as they continue to approach overseas markets and audiences with their products and services.
Let us take a closer look into which languages were in highest demand as of last year within the business industry.
In most countries with strong economies the official language happens to be French. Hence, it is evident that French- speaking countries, see consistent growth in the eCommerce local markets. French is the official language of 29 countries and therefore, there has clearly been a steady increase in demand for French translation services.
The German e-commerce market has the fastest growth in Europe, expected to pass $65 million in 2017. German also happens to be the official language of many countries which have major economies such as Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium.
With China being the largest export of good all around the world and an important destination for the UK businesses it means that it is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and with an enormous number of consumers and potential customers. Therefore, mandarin is one of the top 4 most translated languages as it is spoken natively by over 1 billion people in high demand with the translation industry.
In recent years, Arabic has become an important language in business due to the fast-growing markets in North Africa and the Middle East. With UK’s quick upsurge in exports and imports with Arabic speaking consumers and partners it clearly indicates just how important translations for this market currently are.
By Haniah Khan
Marketing Manager - UKLST
Photo Credentials: Geographical Magazine
4 أسباب تجعلك بحاجة إلى ترجمة المستندات القانونية
4 أسباب تجعلك بحاجة إلى ترجمة المستندات القانونية
04 سبتمبر 2020
In today’s progressively globalized world, it is more and more likely that at some point, you will be in need of a professional legal translation service such as UKLST. Legal documents are a fact of modern life—which begins with one certificate and ends with another.
Therefore, it is vital that you use professional translation services for any legal document. The risks involved are too high to try it any other way.
Why are the risks high you ask?
1. The law requires it
To put it simply, you do not have a choice. Many institutions require documents to be translated by a certified professional. And this will be taken care of by profession language service companies such as UK Legal Service Translation. Just send them the document and enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that your translation will be accurate, certified, signed, sealed, and guaranteed to meet with the approval of whichever authority requested it in the first place.
2. No nasty surprises
Legal documents are supposed to protect your interests and having them translated professionally from the get-go will ensure that no challenges crop up in the future.
3. No nasty surprises
Yes, google translate can give you a gist of what a document is trying to say, however, when dealing with much more important legal documents such as mortgages or financial statements, one wrong word can turn things upside down. So, do not take the risk and get it translated legally and professionally!
4. Credibility
A badly translated legal document is like a fake ID or an expired driver’s license—you just have to hope nobody ever looks at it too closely. When you’re translating a loan agreement, employment contract, or any other official document, it’s not enough for it to appear legitimate—it needs to be legitimate. A document translated by a friend, co-worker, or Google Translate may seem “close enough,” but when you run into trouble, you’ll wish you’d done it right the first time.
Essentially, never take the risk of translating documents the wrong way. It’s not hard to get in touch with the award-winning translation and interpretation service UKLST to get your legal documents translated professionally today!
Contact: 0161 795 3377
By Haniah Khan
Marketing Manager - UKLST
أهمية المترجمين أثناء الوباء العالمي
أهمية المترجمين أثناء الوباء العالمي
25 أغسطس 2020
Corona virus has reordered society in ways we could have never even tried to imagine. All of our lives have amended to work around the virus, and it's evident that Covid-19 has not only changed our lives but has changed the world as we knew it.
During this global pandemic, many people have demonstrated to be true heroes. From Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Careers, Store employees and so on. However, among these heroes, interpreters and translators have also demonstrated to be heroes during this worldwide crisis.
English is the international language of science and health safety. Hence, without translators and interpreters working in tandem with scientists and health experts, a large amount of indispensable information may not reach non-English speakers in time to save countless lives. Translation services, whether they be real-time interpretation or document translation services, are vital to communicate information to those making and implementing policies of direct concern to the entire world.
As the pandemic rages on, language is more important than ever. Non-English-speaking members of the community must be informed about public health guidelines. People need to understand social distancing protocols, and what to do if they get sick. It is also important for people in affected areas remain informed about reopening guidelines, unemployment, housing rights, meal distribution, and other local resources. Without access to dependable information that they can understand, limited English proficient individuals are at risk of not understanding the steps they must take to protect themselves and others. Therefore, this just comes to show the importance translators and interpreters hold in these difficult times.
The pandemic also impacts the daily interactions, businesses have with their employees, clients, and communities. Companies are reinventing their businesses, testing new processes, and rolling out the training needed to support remote workforces. For many, this means translating company-wide communications into multiple languages.
In conclusion, the challenges the language industry faces at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic are an opportunity to continue providing for the ever-present need for multilingual services
By Haniah Khan
Marketing Manager - UKLST
5 أسباب لترجمة موقع الويب الخاص بك في المملكة المتحدة
5 أسباب لترجمة موقع الويب الخاص بك في المملكة المتحدة
07 مايو 2020
If you own or manage a UK-based business with an English-only website, you may be missing out on critical growth opportunities by opting not to offer overseas visitors an online experience in their native language.
Many UK companies assume that being based in an English-speaking country gives them an invite commercial advantage that negates the need for website translation.
The reality of online language usage is much more complex.
Adopting an English-only approach to web presence can cost UK businesses dearly in missed revenue opportunity, damage to branding and increased commercial competition.
If you’re the owner or manager of an English-only website, here are 5 key reasons to open your doors to foreign-language customers.
1.Engage A Bigger Global Audience
Although English may sometimes seem to be ‘the language of the internet’, and the majority of online content is still written in English, the language ranks just third in terms of total numbers of native speakers worldwide.
When it comes to population sizes, China and India outrank US internet users almost five times and the UK by twenty-two times.
In addition to there being far more non-English speakers than English speakers using the web, customers have a marked behavioral preference to engage with and buy from sites that are available in their native language.
A study of 3,000 consumers in ten non-English countries demonstrated that 75% prefer to buy in their native language, while two-thirds ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ buy from sites only available in English.
And far from English consolidating its position as the online language of choice, things are headed in the opposite direction with increasing levels of internet access reaching new global communities – an estimated 1m+ new users every day, according to a 2019 report.
2.Your Website Already Has International Traffic
Take a look under the bonnet of your Google Analytics console and you’ll find a wealth of information on who’s visiting your company’s website – including where they’re from and what languages they speak.
Google’s “Audience Geo” filter provides an easy-to-read heatmap of where your traffic is coming from across the map, and the language option allows you to drill down based on the language settings your visitors are using to browse the web.
For analytics gurus, it’s also interesting to check out how user behavior changes across demographic groups – often site visit duration, numbers of pages viewed and bounce rates alter significantly for audiences who are not finding content available in their language.
Based on this data, many businesses detect clear signs that there is a substantial overseas market waiting to be engaged – and website translation is the key step to ensuring that traffic from non-English-speaking regions converts into profitable new customer bases.
3.Beat Your Competitors To Market
If your business has plans to expand internationally and enter overseas markets, then website translation is a critical step in laying down an early marker and building engagement with target audiences.
Whilst domestic growth may satisfy short-term goals, putting off the move to internationalize your web presence could turn out to be a costly error if your competition makes the first move and starts developing brand awareness with your future customers before you get there.
Especially if you are already experiencing traffic from international site visitors, adding native-language content can be a vital stepping-stone to pipping rivals to the post, making sure the grass doesn’t grow under your feet while other businesses develop loyalty and win traction with your target customer base.
4.Engage Your International Customers
Even when overseas website visitors do speak English well enough to understand your website, it’s required a mental effort for them to actively translate your content as part of their purchasing process.
With an ever-increasing focus on optimizing and personalizing the customer experience, do you really want to make your visitors jump through this additional hoop to buy from you?
A well-translated web presence not only communicates effectively to foreign-language customers, helping them navigate quickly and easily without the mental gymnastics of translating on the fly, it also works to make international visitors feel comfortable and engaged by your site.
Accelerating the pace of your international commerce is about removing barriers to customer engagement, not creating them – and language obstacles should be the first to be moved aside.
5.Build Your Brand
Branding is a central part of any marketing mix, and often corporate identity is built around a combination of references and associations which may not resonate as strongly in other cultures.
To truly capture the potential of overseas markets, website translation should incorporate international brand strategy.
This makes sure that the colors, images, content, tone, endorsements and taglines used to build your brand are carefully adapted for each target market, creating the same user experience for all regions.
Failure to invest in adjusting your brand to new international audiences can lead to lack of engagement, and ultimately drive valuable potential customers to an alternative brand where they feel a stronger sense of cultural identification.
By Lisa Gallenti
HR & Booking Manager - UKLST
أهمية الترجمة
أهمية الترجمة
31 يناير 2020
الترجمة هي نوع من التواصل بين الثقافات؛ يمكنه الاتصال بالعديد من منصات المعلومات والمعرفة المتنوعة. أصبحت الترجمة مهمة وضرورية خاصة في مجتمع يتكون من عالم متنوع ومتعدد الثقافات. ولذلك يأمر بالتواصل بين هذه الثقافات.
على الرغم من أن اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة التواصل الرئيسية التي تمكن العديد من الأشخاص المتنوعين من التواصل معًا، إلا أنه ليس لدى الجميع القدرة على التواصل باللغة الإنجليزية. ولهذا السبب تكون الترجمة مفيدة في مثل هذه الحالة.
يمكن للترجمة أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على العديد من المجتمعات لأنها أداة للتواصل مع الآخرين، خاصة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالسفر. خاصة عندما يكون هناك طلب على الترجمة فإنه يفيد لأنه يفتح الفرصة للمترجمين للمساعدة في دعم الأعمال التجارية للاتصال بالدول الأجنبية والتوسع.
لا تعتبر الترجمة ميزة للتحدث مع الآخرين فحسب، بل هي الطريقة التي يمكن أن تنتشر بها الأفكار بين البلدان المختلفة التي لديها خلفيات وثقافات مختلفة، مما يمكن أن يؤدي بالتالي إلى السلام ويمكن أن يعلم الكثيرين حول التنوع. ومن الأمثلة على ذلك عندما تمكن المترجمون العرب من نقل أفكار الفلاسفة اليونانيين خلال العصور الوسطى التي تم توزيعها.
تعتبر خدمات الترجمة عاملاً رئيسياً يضمن التواصل الفعال مع العملاء الذين يفضلون التحدث بلغتهم الخاصة مما يجعلها أسهل ومفيدة لهم. حيث أنهم يضمنون بقاء الرسالة التي يتم إرسالها متشابهة.
بقلم سارة عامر
مسؤول الدعم الإداري - UKLST
هل أصبحت بريطانيا متعددة الثقافات؟
هل أصبحت بريطانيا متعددة الثقافات؟
06 يناير 2020
Britain has become a multicultural society over the course of hundreds of years. From the early Europeans who travelled to Britain in the 11th century to the citizens of Britain’s empire as well as the present-day immigration which peaked around the beginning of the 21st century. According to the most recent national census just under 140,000 people don’t speak English at all within the UK. While this is only a mere 0.3% of the population it doesn’t account for the tens of thousands of people who struggle to speak English. As a result of this the demand of interpretation is more prevalent than it ever was in the past.
Communication Skills
Interpreters play a crucial role – to communicate information between two or more people. A professional interpreter needs to be well equipped with both languages, this includes terminologies, metaphors and even the cultural background of the native language. They must have an ability to express themselves with clarity and accuracy and to ensure they don’t miss any information whilst translating.
A good interpreter takes pride in what they do. Interpreting is more than just translating one language to another, it provides an opportunity to help others and surpass the barrier created by language. It is incredibly important that you make a connection with those that you help. It may make the experience for both parties smoother and result in a job well done.
An ability to keep calm
Interpreting can be extremely challenging sometimes. In situations within police stations, hospitals or courtrooms, it can become difficult to maintain composure. As a skillful interpreter, you must remain calm and completely neutral whilst doing your job. It is essential that you convey the message with accuracy. Throughout these stressful situations your voice or body cannot show signs of stress as it may disrupt the problem.
Remain confidential
Interpreters are exposed to highly sensitive information. As a result of this professional interpreter must adhere to confidentiality policies before, during and after providing their service. Failure to protect the information discussed whilst doing their job could put someone’s life in danger.
Being bilingual is an amazing skill to have, but this usually isn’t enough. To show that you're serious about your profession, it is a good idea to get some qualifications. Professional qualifications will equip with the necessary language requirements and code of conduct which will help minimize the chances of mistakes as these mistakes can have severe consequences, given that you will be dealing with sensitive information.
By Sofia
Translation Team - UKLST
تأثير المترجمين الفوريين على المجتمع
تأثير المترجمين الفوريين على المجتمع
27 نوفمبر 2019
Communication is an important tool to enable people to connect, because this interaction leads to conversation which makes it easier for people to express themselves and their point of view.
Not only does communication, improve understanding, but also creates ideas and clarifies expressions. People also learn through communicating as well.
However, there are four types of communication for instance, it can be through writing, verbal, nonverbal or even visual. These are significant to help people through their planning, controlling, discussing and becoming better at influencing others and leading.
The advantages of communication can have an effect on lives, especially when in courtrooms, because communication can impact on the way the judge or jury comprehends and decides on others, to state their innocence or guilt. But it would be a bigger risk if the person that is being judged can't communicate or express their perspective on a specific case.
However, UKLST makes it easier for people to communicate as they offer a variety of interpreters that are suitable for a specific situation, as they have the ability to speak in different languages and translate, to simplify the language for the person to understand.
Not only do interpreters benefit people in courtrooms, but also on the daily basis. For instance, in places like schools and hospitals. This is essential to require interpreters in places like this because not only do they translate the language, but also communicate in a way that benefits the cultural diversity, which is essential as today's society is a mixture of different ethnics.
To have interpreters in healthcare centers can save a life, because when an interpreter is present, they can simplify the medical wording that the doctor is explaining into the suitable language the patient will understand the purpose, therefore help the patient guarantee his understanding of health and become more aware of it as well. To make things easier for a diverse society, UKLST can provide professional interpreters to help access a situation like this.
By Sara Amer
Admin Support Officer - UKLST
المترجمون في الصحة
المترجمون في الصحة
27 نوفمبر 2019
Many newcomers to England do not have English language skills sufficient to understand what information a health professional is looking for or to provide a thorough history.
Also, communication with immigrant and refugee families can be seriously impaired if a health care provider is unaware of or insensitive to the role of culture in formal interactions. Miscommunication can increase the risk of medical errors, inappropriate treatments and emergency room visits. Cultural interpreters can play a crucial role in facilitating verbal and nonverbal communication and ‘mediating’ concepts and cultural practices as needed.
Communication barriers have deterred individuals with No/LEP (Limited English proficiency) from seeking and receiving primary and preventive care. This has led to many adverse health effects, such as:
•Poor knowledge and comprehension of diagnosis;
•Poor adherence to treatment;
•Increased risk of medical errors and poor health outcomes, such as longer hospital stay
It is unsurprising, then, that patient satisfaction with health services is consistently low in these groups.
Easily accessible professional interpreter services have been shown to reduce such adverse effects and have facilitated adherence to treatment and has led to (No/LEP) patients and health professionals reporting greater satisfaction with the services provided.
Communicate for full understanding. A professional medical interpreter improves understanding and compliance at each step the patient takes through their healthcare journey reducing the risk of misunderstandings and misdiagnoses, which could result in repeat visits, longer hospital stays, and increased expenses.
Unbiased accurate communication. Patients often need to make important decisions while suffering from pain or anxiety or may have complicated diagnoses or treatments. Communicating with patients through a professional medical interpreter removes any emotional bias or additional family trauma and ensures the correct information is shared.
Risk mitigation. Professional medical interpreters can help reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, inadequate informed consent, and the inability to follow treatment plans. Any of which could lead to adverse results, lawsuits, and increased expenses.
Comprehension improves patient satisfaction. The more the patient understands and acknowledges, the higher the satisfaction score. LEP patient satisfaction scores tend to be lower than English speakers because they don’t comprehend the experience, procedure, treatment or care.
Utilizing professional medical interpreters is crucial to healthcare-related communications. When patients can communicate with providers, the patient is more likely to be diagnosed and treated correctly and can follow aftercare programs. Qualified medical interpretation improves patient satisfaction and safety, while simultaneously building trust across cultures to provide the very best outcomes for the organization and all its patients.
Wouldn’t you agree that qualified medical interpreters can improve patient care within LEP patient populations?
By Lisa Gallenti
HR & Booking Manager - UKLST
اللغات الأفريقية: 10 أشياء يجب معرفتها
اللغات الأفريقية: 10 أشياء يجب معرفتها
7 يونيو 2019
•Nigeria has one of the highest rates of languages per square meter worldwide, and totals more than five-hundred languages in its territory;
•Around all Africa, something like one hundred languages is widely used for inter-ethnic communication. The most used ones are the following: Arabic, Amharic, Berber, Fulani, Hausa, Igbo, Manding, Oromo, Yoruba, Somali, Swahili;
•African languages include consonant sounds that are very rare or non-existent in other parts of the world, namely the so-called “pure implosives” (/ɓa/), “clicks” and the “labiodental flap” (/ǂa/, /ᵑǃa/);
•“Prenasalized” consonants, like /mpa/and /ŋɡa/, are widespread in Africa, but rather unusual in other parts of the world;
•On the other hand, “front rounded” vowels like [œ] in the French word "bœuf" [bullock] are rather uncommon;
•Also diphthongs like [EI] in the English word "rain" are uncommon in African languages;
•African languages make wide use of adjectival verbs;
•The same term is typically used for both animal and meat. This is different from English and some other languages, where for example the term “bullock” indicates the animal, while “beef” indicates its meat.
•The majority of African languages are tonal, similarly to Chinese, Punjabi and many others in Asia. What does it mean? In short, that the same word and word sound can have completely different meanings when pronounced with a different voice tone (e.g. Rising, falling or flat). This is certainly not the case in English and Indo-European languages.
•Finally, there are various sign languages used in Africa. Much research has yet to be done on African languages.
Discover more about African languages here at UKLST!
Our expert interpreters and translators from Africa will ensure smooth communication for you and your business.
Sources: [SIL Ethnologue]
Image source: free picture by Pixabay
فوائد الفصول الدراسية متعددة اللغات
فوائد الفصول الدراسية متعددة اللغات
3 مايو 2019
With the means of transport and communication becoming more and more affordable and efficient, people’s mobility has been constantly increasing. People move to a new country for the most different reasons – love, work, or to have more religious or personal freedom. Multiculturalism has therefore become a reality in more and more societies: however, while in most urbanized areas, it is by now accepted as normal, in certain remote and rural areas people who sound and look different are still looked at with some suspicion. This can happen especially at school, where parents feel even more strongly that they need to protect their children’s rights.
Let’s now see some of the most common misconceptions about multilingual classrooms:
1) Schoolchildren whose first language is not the official national one will slow down the learning process of native schoolchildren: false.
Children’s brain is extremely flexible, and they learn languages in a rather different way than adults. Foreign schoolchildren will learn the national language quicker than you think. Moreover, the host country’s schoolchildren will become more open-minded and flexible, by directly experiencing diversity. In the best case scenarios, teachers should make the most of this opportunity to enhance their pupils’ knowledge about different cultures and languages in the world. Teachers could invite at school bilingual assistants and cultural speakers of the same language(s) as the new pupils: these professionals could work with the teachers and organize school assemblies and workshops about their cultural traditions and festivals.
2) Foreign schoolchildren will require special assistance from bilingual teaching assistants, and this is an extra cost for our society: false.
That of bilingual teaching assistants is a job like many others - as such, it helps to keep the economy going. Also, as said just above, children learn languages very fast, so bilingual assistants will be needed just for the few initial months.
3) The bilingual assistant will disturb the teacher and pupils with their continuous “whispered interpreting”: false.
“Whispered interpreting” (also known as “chuchotage”, a lexical borrowing from French) is only partly used by bilingual assistants in the classroom. Also, bilingual assistants often use “chuchotage” more as a “consecutive interpreting”, i.e. They wait that the teacher stops speaking and then s/he orally translates. This happens when the teacher writes on the whiteboard or waits for the other pupils to answer a question. Most times, however, the bilingual assistant will silently help the new foreign pupil to do the written activities required by the teacher, often writing in both languages and using body language and facial expressions.
4) Foreign schoolchildren will get confused and will mix their native language with the national one, ultimately learning two languages badly: false.
It has been proved that children that grow bilingual actually learn two languages at the very same time, and that they are able to do so because they emotionally link each language to different people/situations (e.g. They naturally speak their native language with the family, but the host country’s language at school).
[picture taken from external website: please contact us for more information]
المجتمع المتعدد الثقافات يعني الترجمة
المجتمع المتعدد الثقافات يعني الترجمة
19 أبريل 2019
A multicultural society means translation. This is especially true in the UK.
More than other countries, the UK has always been a multicultural society. Already before World War II, Great Britain accounted for more than 15 different ethnic groups and languages spoken in its territory. After 1945, these figures have kept growing and only in the past ten years foreign-born population has almost doubled.
While London is famously the most cosmopolitan area with the largest number of migrants (3.4 million foreign-born people in 2017), researchers have re-named Greater Manchester as “Britain’s city of languages“ thanks to its high rate of language diversity per square meter, counting as many as 200 languages spoken.
People come to the UK for the most different reasons: work, love, or to escape war and dictatorships in their home country; in many cases, the UK is chosen as a home other countries thanks to its various commercial links and trading relationship established worldwide.
Of course, to date English is still the global lingua franca, being the most studied and spoken worldwide, so people moving to the UK already speak some English and keep on studying English here anyway.
However, when it comes to legal matters, lawyers are often not enough to protect your rights. Be it personal injuries or car accidents, divorces or property transactions, major medical appointments or criminal offenses, you need to make sure your language barriers are totally overcome, so that your legal rights are 100% guaranteed.
That is why you also need interpreters and translators. And good ones.
For this reason, the UK is also amongst the countries with the highest percentage of professional translators worldwide, i.e. People who have chosen translation and interpreting as their main profession. They hold official qualifications such as the Diploma in Public Services Interpreting (DPSI) and Master’s Degrees in Translation and Interpreting for example.
Here in UK Legal Services, Translation we provide translation and interpreting services nationwide in over 350 languages and dialects, working with over 3500 qualified and professional linguists. We take pride in offering high quality translations and in being a highly dependable and responsive company.
We mainly specialize in legal matters: our interpreters work with both public and private sectors, for example, assisting at courts and tribunals, medical consultations, business meetings and police stations to name but a few. We also deliver written and verbal translations of documents, such as personal injury statements, marriage and birth certificates, wills and probates. We can also be instructed under legal aid rates.
Some of our interpreters have over 30 years of experience, especially those working for recording Interviews, criminal and civil proceedings, verbal translation, immigration and personal injury cases. All our written and verbal translations are supported by either statement of truths or affidavits on request.
(Source: The Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, The University of Manchester).
حقائق اللغة الإنجليزية
حقائق اللغة الإنجليزية
29 مارس 2019
The English language has been around for quite some time now and its widely spoken across the globe, it’s the second most spoken language in the world with nearly 890 million speakers around the world.
The language originates from what is now known as North West Germany, it was brought to Britain in the mid - 5th to 7th centuries AD Anglo – Saxon Settlers. British English is the standard dialect; however, dialects and accents vary across the four countries of the United Kingdom as well as within the countries.
English may seem simple, but that’s because it’s made up of misinterpretations, mistakes, strange and needless words.
Here at UKLST We have teamed up with Academia Training Facilities to provide English language courses follow their page for more information.
These are some interesting facts we have put together about the English language that you may not have known about. Let us know about any facts that you know, and we may not have added.
1.The shortest complete sentence in the English language is ‘I am’
2.A sentence that contains every letter in the alphabet is called a program, for example ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ is a program sentence.
3.Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious this word means fantastic and became popular because of the movie Mary Poppins. It is surprisingly not the longest word in English.
4.Words that are repeated in a sentence such as ‘like,’ ‘basically’, ‘actually’, and ‘um’ are called crutch words. Crutch words slip into a sentence to give the speaker more time to think, they eventually become verbal tics, but they don’t add meaning to a statement.
5.English is a language of the sky; all pilots must identify themselves is English during flights and air traffic controllers at airports have to communicate with pilots in English.
You can visit Academia Training Facilities - ATF, https://atf-training.business.site/ for more information about the English courses they may be running.
أفضل 10 لغات منطوقة في العالم
أفضل 10 لغات منطوقة في العالم
20 فبراير 2019
Why are we more aware of our neighboring nation and their cultures now than about 1000 years ago or even let’s say 100 years ago?
Some say the Earth is getting smaller, therefore the distance is getting less, and some say our capabilities are getting enhanced, so we are able to invent such gadgets which allows us to relate to each other much easily and efficiently. Although I am with latter explanation, I shall let you make your own mind up.
In our day to day engagements, we encounter many cultures and many diverse people from around the globe and with this we encounter many languages and dialects. We as humans have become more adaptive of the idea that speaking more than one language is becoming the norm and more so desirable. We, at UKLST, believe strongly in effective communication is a vital part of any dialogue between two more parties. When it comes to understanding languages, UKLST is at the forefront of providing interpreters and translators to ensure professional services are acquired by those who require best results.
Here as some of the most spoken languages in the world.
1. Mandarin – With China being the most populated country in the world, this language has 1030 Million speakers.